Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

It is widely recognized that innovation will be required to address the pressing challenges facing societies today. Success is more likely when all available talent and experience can be leveraged. A wide range of actors must be able to participate in innovation ecosystems. Intellectual property rights help to make this happen. IP rights such as patents allow technology and know-how to be shared and traded. They enable innovators without a significant in-house R&D capacity to access and use technology, and to integrate that technology into their value chains. Innovators of all types and sizes benefit from access to these business tools. Certain innovators – such as SMEs and minority inventors – will require support to secure protection for and effectively manage their IP. Innovation Council supports initiatives to broaden participation in innovation ecosystems.

Q&A with TechInvention

Innovation Council brings together diverse innovators to share their experiences with policymakers and other stakeholders. TechInvention Lifecare PvT Ltd, was founded in 2016 with the objective of increasing the supply of Vaccines and Bio-Therapeutics for low and middle-income countries (LMICs), is an Innovation Council member based in India. Here, in his own words, Syed Ahmed, the company’s CEO, shares insights about his company’s activities, challenges, and successes in recent years.

Read the full story.

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Women Athletes Inspiring your Entrepreneurship & IP Journey: 29 September

The USPTO Texas Regional Office in collaboration with the Texas Chapter of Chiefs in Intellectual Property (ChIPs), which focuses on advancing women in technology, law, and policy, present a panel of women athletes who have innovated as entrepreneurs and created or helped create successful businesses. The virtual event will take place on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. CT.

Read the full story and register here.

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IFPMA and Speak Up Africa announce winners of Africa Young Innovators for Health Award

Innovation Council member IFPMA announces the first-ever winners of the Africa Young Innovators for Health Award at the official virtual ceremony on Thursday, 16 September from 09:30 GMT online.

The three winners will be revealed live at the Award Ceremony, where health leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs gather online to celebrate African innovation. And to highlight the vital role innovation plays, especially amongst young people in Africa, in tackling some of the most pressing healthcare challenges facing healthcare workers on the continent.

Read the full story and register here.

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WIPO Training: Mentoring and Matchmaking Program on IP for Women Entrepreneurs

Open for applications: WIPO women entrepreneurship program for members of indigenous peoples and local communities. The program supports indigenous entrepreneurs in strategically using intellectual property tools to grow their businesses.

Submit your application by September 6, 2021 here.

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Knowledge creates action – Invent Together

Invent Together is a coalition of organizations, universities, companies, and other stakeholders dedicated to understanding the diversity gaps in invention and patenting, and to supporting public policy and private initiatives to close them. Closing patent gaps would have significant benefits for individual inventors and society as a whole. Research shows that inventors with patents consistently earn higher incomes on average than non-inventors, even controlling for occupation, migrant status, and other factors.

Learn more about Invent Together and find interesting research in this area here.

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Policy approaches to close the intellectual property gender gap

Click here through Innovation Council’s presentation on “Policy approaches to close the intellectual property gender gap”. Innovation Council’s Jennifer Brant and Mark Schultz presented the findings on 29 July during the plenary session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Watch the full session. 

The IC intervention starts at 01:38:52.

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Tackling the Gender and Racial Patenting Gap to Drive Innovation: Lessons from Women’s Experiences

This brief describes the challenges and facilitators to success that women inventors face at each stage of the process. It first discusses the systemic barriers to innovation and patenting faced by women, women’s lack of formal education on the patenting process, informal education on patenting and the importance of mentors, and gatekeepers to patenting. Then the brief details how barriers to the patenting process, and the supports women need to overcome them, differ by industry and sector. It concludes with policy and program recommendations that, if implemented, will help promote diversity in the innovation and patenting process. Watch the related panel discussion with women inventors, and Institute for Women’s Policy Research presents their research on the challenges women inventors face based on gender and race and how to overcome them. For more information, visit

Read the full story and watch the discussion. 



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Red de mujeres innovadoras y propiedad industrial – 19 July

The Instituto Mexicano de la Propriedad Industrial (IMPI) is organising a the live broadcast, via Facebook Live, of the launch of the digital community of the Network of Innovative Women and Industrial Property, which will be chaired by the Ministry of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier on Monday 19 July, at 9:00 am (CDMX time). This is an initiative of IMPI in collaboration with WIPO, to encourage inventors and entrepreneurs to protect their creations, where you will find information, advice and mentoring in industrial property for women inventors and entrepreneurs, as well as a space to showcase success stories and break stereotypes.

Watch the event.

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Q&A with Innovation Council member Villgro Africa

Innovation Council sat down with Wilfred Njagi, Co-Founder and CEO of Villgro Africa to learn more about the success story and lessons learned. The healthcare business incubator has a demonstrated track record having incubated over 30 healthcare innovators in East Africa that have gone on to increase access to affordable, superior quality healthcare in E. Africa touching over 2 million lives in the last 5 years.

Read the full interview.


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