Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

Innovators have a critical role to play in achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. They help to adapt and more broadly distribute existing products. They mobilize capital and investments for scaling proven solutions – and to develop entirely new ones. They apply and share their technology and know-how every day with partners globally. Companies in particular have the resources and scale to deliver broad global impact. Innovative partnerships involving the private sector are giving rise to creative ways of tackling global challenges in cost-effective, sustainable ways. Our members contribute to the SDGs through both their everyday activities and targeted initiatives. Through Innovation Council, they share information about what has worked, what worked less well, and their successes. They support diverse stakeholders in overcoming the remaining challenges to meet the SDG targets.

US 5G Wireless Growth Opportunities in Healthcare

5G will accommodate dramatically more devices, media, and users. This will especially impact the Internet of Things, which will result in a huge increase in the amount of remote monitors and sensors that will allow patients to be tracked while on the go. The new level of patient-generated healthcare data will permit enhanced analysis of various conditions and diseases, which will support personalized medicine and improved outcomes. 5G technology will also enable wireless carriers to offer providers and payers new ways to manage spectrum. This will permit the development of wireless private networks that are able to support a healthcare enterprise’s evolving IT needs.

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5G rollouts offer ‘internet of things’ a more sophisticated outlook

The “internet of things” (IoT) is often used as a catch-all phrase to describe the disparate items that use sensors to gather data — from driverless cars, to “smart cows”, to connected refrigerators, to robotic factories.But with the broader adoption of IoT technology into data-intensive tasks, such as remote monitoring, diagnostics and healthcare, demand for 5G networks is similarly increasing. The growing prevalence of 5G, which offers more speed, control, and security than older networks, has enabled a more sophisticated world of IoT technology to emerge.

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Top Internet of Things (IoT) Trends for 2022: The Future of IoT

The growing Internet of Things (IoT) is connecting devices to a variety of sensors, applications, and other IoT elements to automate business processes and support human efficiencies in business and the home.  IoT continues to change as engineers and companies discover new use cases and develop the infrastructure necessary to support more IoT networks. Read on to learn about some of the top Internet of Things trends of today and how they’ll impact the course of development in this field.

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‘To be a scientist is a joy’: How a Hungarian biochemist helped revolutionize mRNA

Scientists generally don’t seek the limelight, but Dr. Katalin Kariko has been thrust right into it. The once obscure biochemist is now on the covers of magazines and newspapers because of her role in developing mRNA vaccine technology. An idea she started working on in the 1990s when no one thought it would work. She grew up daughter to a butcher, in a poor town near Budapest, where she lived in one room with her family for the first 10 years of her life. During this time, she also learned the skills for success there: determination, hard work and a positive attitude.

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Australia’s medical innovation approach: Is it suitable for regenerative medicine?

Existing medical innovation pipelines have emerged to support the development of more conventional therapies and are often poorly suited to regenerative medicine. In recognition of this, a number of jurisdictions, including Japan, the UK, Canada and various U.S. states have launched state-level, system-wide strategies aimed at improving their ‘readiness’ for developing and implementing regenerative medicine. This includes the establishment of new funding mechanisms, facilitative regulatory frameworks, and initiatives to support academic networks and academic-industry-healthcare collaborations. All of these are aimed at accelerating innovation. Australia’s approach to its medical future is notably different. Despite asserting a commitment to invest heavily in medical innovation for the purpose of future health and prosperity, RM has not been identified as a specific national-level strategic priority. Australia thus provides an interesting and contrasting case study for how system-wide readiness for RM may be achieved ‘by other means’.

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What it would mean for big Pharma if Vaccine IP Rights are waived

With COVID-19 vaccination rollouts in low-income countries still lagging far behind those in rich ones, a group of nations continues to push its proposal at the World Trade Organization to lift intellectual property protections for makers of the vaccines. Supporters of the waiver say the spread of the latest coronavirus variant, omicron, brings greater urgency to the need to speed production of vaccines in the developing world. Vaccine makers and other critics of the waiver say it undermines the incentives that led to the rapid development of the vaccines and wouldn’t have any practical effect.

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How healthcare innovation presents a ‘compelling universe of choices’ for investors

Healthcare innovation has been rapid and is predicted to accelerate dramatically in the coming years. As the industry moves from analogue to digital, “big data” in healthcare is set to explode. Advanced diagnostics will power the shift from treatment to prevention. Personalised medicine will lead to targeted therapies that are right for the individual. Demand for value-based healthcare in the UAE is increasing as it looks to extensively expand and upgrade its healthcare system and develop a robust world-class healthcare infrastructure. The UAE is also looking to create a patient-centric healthcare model which enables hi-tech diagnostics tools, telehealth, and robotic surgery.

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Here’s why developing countries can make COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

Across the developing world, hundreds of millions of people are unable to get a vaccine to protect themselves from the ravages of COVID-19, and millions of them have already become infected and died. According to public health experts, relying on wealthy nations to donate billions of doses is not working. The solution many now believe is for the countries to do something that the big U.S. mRNA vaccine makers say is not feasible: manufacture the gold-standard mRNA shots themselves.

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Internal culture: The hidden barrier to innovation in healthcare

As the landscape of healthcare changes at a faster pace than ever, leaders are prioritizing ways to make healthcare more equitable and accessible. With the realities of mergers, pandemics, e-commerce, payment reform, and new tech, healthcare organizations must become increasingly innovative and focused on the patient experience to stay in the game. Those committed to providing healthcare for all must empower their teams to not only create new solutions for equity and accessibility but also further deliver on that promise through every interaction and communication — internally and externally. But many healthcare organizations face a significant barrier to growth, innovation, and equitable experiences. This threat is an invisible yet powerful force that you might not expect: internal culture.

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