
EU launches WTO dispute against China over 5G IP  

On February 18, the European Union launched a legal challenge against China at the World Trade Organization, arguing that Chinese courts were preventing European companies from protecting their cellular technology patents. The EU considers that China is violating the WTO TRIPS Agreement, as Chinese courts continue to issue broad anti-suit injunctions (ASIs), thus deterring owners of cellular standard essential patents (SEPs) from litigating patent licensing disputes outside of China. Alongside the broad ASIs, it has been asserted that the Chinese courts are setting unduly low global licensing rates in their rulings. While the EU case focuses on ASIs, industry experts point out that it is the combination strategy that harms the position of European and other SEP owners. The European Commission filed the challenge on behalf of the 27 EU members, and other WTO members, such as Australia and the UK, have already joined the case. The next step is consultations. 

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AI and 5G ranked as most significant technology trends for 2022 and beyond

The continuing rollout of 5G and the application of AI top the list of the most important technologies expected to grow in 2022, according to a survey of senior technology officers published by international technology organisation IEEE, Ron Alalouff reports. In the survey of 350 chief technology officers, chief information officers and IT directors, AI and machine learning, cloud computing and 5G were identified as the most important technologies for 2022 and beyond. Technology leaders said they had accelerated their adoption of cloud computing (60%), AI and machine learning (51%) and 5G (46%), due to the global pandemic. An overwhelming 95% of them agreed – and 66% strongly agreed – that AI will drive most innovation across almost all industry sectors in the next one to five years.

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5G and FRAND: Licenses are key to a future of Innovation

Although consumers may feel they are yet to feel the transformative impact of 5G, the infrastructure underpinning its wider rollout is being developed quickly and on a significant scale. With such development, we are quickly approaching the much-heralded 5G era, where we will see more of the opportunities from 5G come to fruition. As a result, the digital ecosystem will become available in many more corners of everyday life.

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US 5G Wireless Growth Opportunities in Healthcare

5G will accommodate dramatically more devices, media, and users. This will especially impact the Internet of Things, which will result in a huge increase in the amount of remote monitors and sensors that will allow patients to be tracked while on the go. The new level of patient-generated healthcare data will permit enhanced analysis of various conditions and diseases, which will support personalized medicine and improved outcomes. 5G technology will also enable wireless carriers to offer providers and payers new ways to manage spectrum. This will permit the development of wireless private networks that are able to support a healthcare enterprise’s evolving IT needs.

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5G rollouts offer ‘internet of things’ a more sophisticated outlook

The “internet of things” (IoT) is often used as a catch-all phrase to describe the disparate items that use sensors to gather data — from driverless cars, to “smart cows”, to connected refrigerators, to robotic factories.But with the broader adoption of IoT technology into data-intensive tasks, such as remote monitoring, diagnostics and healthcare, demand for 5G networks is similarly increasing. The growing prevalence of 5G, which offers more speed, control, and security than older networks, has enabled a more sophisticated world of IoT technology to emerge.

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5G IP makes best with Patent Platform and Technology Investment

Mr. Jang-Hwa Leu, the Director General of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan, indicated that the semiconductor and ICT advantage of Taiwan is impregnable in the world. To keep the lead, intellectual property (IP) protection becomes vital. “5G is setting off a new industrial revolution… the key to be standing on firm ground is to control the latest innovation and IP,” said Mr. Leu.

Under the theme of “Maximising 5G IP value in Taiwan” and co-organized by Business Next, IPBC Taiwan 2021 presents in-depth speeches and discussions about IP and patent protection strategy as well as the value of 5G. The morning session includes senior executives and experts from Nissan Motor, Ericsson, Micron Technology, ARM, Intel, Nokia, and more. Apart from the critical 5G patents, the speakers also shared their insights toward the development of 6G.

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ITU – Digital Transformation for cities and communities webinar, 6 December 2021

The accelerated digital transformation has also increased the risk of cyber security threats. As IoT deployment becomes more frequent and sophisticated, smart cities and communities are also becoming more vulnerable to various data breaches. City leaders must be prepared to respond to increased cyber risks and prioritize privacy, security, and trust as the key components of digital transformation, particularly in developing countries.

This webinar will examine the security implication of digital transformation and look at the global development on managing security risks in smart cities and communities. It will also shed light on the latest international standards that are available to enhance the security capability of IoTs and other related systems and applications.

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Igniting Innovation and Productivity with 5G in the World of small Business

As with any new generation of wireless technology, the benefits won’t change the world overnight, but over time, as networks expand availability and technology advances, 5G is poised to improve the way we work, the way we stay connected, and the way we thrive in the business world.

To stay ahead of the curve, businesses of all sizes — including small to medium-sized companies— need to understand the opportunities that 5G presents. This includes enhanced customer experiences, increased employee productivity, potential for new business opportunities, and more. Entrepreneurs are taking note and working to leverage the benefits of 5G to improve existing situations and create new opportunities.

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A common core for fiber, 5G could be just around the corner

Convergence between wireline and wireless networks is one of those ideas that feels like it’s perpetually on the horizon. When the industry took a crack at convergence about 10 years ago, the necessary puzzle pieces just weren’t in place. The big difference now is that everything but the core – the devices, the protocols – is IP-based. Experts told Fierce that a perfect storm of industry trends – virtualisation, disaggregation, 5G, fibre, cloudification – have finally come together to bring the long-sought after approach within reach.

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