Recent Developments

A Congressional Briefing on Increasing Inventor Diversity

Increasing participation in invention and patenting by underrepresented groups would quadruple the number of American inventors, increase annual....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

‘To be a scientist is a joy’: How a Hungarian biochemist helped revolutionize mRNA

Scientists generally don't seek the limelight, but Dr. Katalin Kariko has been thrust right into it. The once obscure biochemist is now on the....

Posted in: Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

Australia’s medical innovation approach: Is it suitable for regenerative medicine?

Existing medical innovation pipelines have emerged to support the development of more conventional therapies and are often poorly suited to....

Posted in: Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

What it would mean for big Pharma if Vaccine IP Rights are waived

With COVID-19 vaccination rollouts in low-income countries still lagging far behind those in rich ones, a group of nations continues to push its....

Posted in: Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

How healthcare innovation presents a ‘compelling universe of choices’ for investors

Healthcare innovation has been rapid and is predicted to accelerate dramatically in the coming years. As the industry moves from analogue to....

Posted in: Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

Here’s why developing countries can make COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

Across the developing world, hundreds of millions of people are unable to get a vaccine to protect themselves from the ravages of COVID-19, and....

Posted in: Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

How Technology is Reshaping the IP Management Industry

There’s hardly any area in entrepreneurship today that deals with innovation more than intellectual property rights protection – in....

Posted in: Technology and Knowledge Diffusion

Internal culture: The hidden barrier to innovation in healthcare

As the landscape of healthcare changes at a faster pace than ever, leaders are prioritizing ways to make healthcare more equitable and....

Posted in: Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

Protecting U.S. Intellectual Property & Innovation Leadership: December 16, 2021

American innovation leadership rests on a foundation of rewarding breakthroughs through patents and intellectual property protections. The....

Posted in: Policy Discussions and International Organizations