Recent Developments

Panelists Discuss Why Patent Waiver Would Not Accelerate Global Vaccine Distribution

At a panel held in June by The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA), two vaccine scientists, Professor Robin Shattock (Imperial....

Posted in: Enabling Innovation Policies

Gender and Racial Diversity in Invention and Patenting: Lessons from Women’s Experiences

Joined by Invent Together and women inventors, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) will present new research on the challenges....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

2021 Innovators Under 35

In the "35 Innovators Under 35" competition, the MIT Technology Review nominates more than 500 people every year and will showcase these....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

HS codes relevant to inputs for COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics

Bio-pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing inputs include: chemical or biological reagents; equipment used in laboratories; microscope parts;....

Posted in: Enabling Innovation Policies

EPO announces winners of the European Inventor Award 2021

The European Patent Office’s European Inventor Award 2021, which took place on June 17th, celebrated outstanding inventors and inventor....

Posted in: Policy Discussions and International Organizations

Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine: A global assessment of demand and supply balance

Over the past decade, several countries--representing all regions, income groups, and procurement methods—have been unable to secure....

Posted in: Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals

Trade Secrets: A Primer

Trade secrets are an important component of the intellectual property (IP) system. In addition to their important role protecting business’....

Posted in: Technology and Knowledge Diffusion

Trailblazing Women Engineers Inspire the Next Generation

In the United States, engineering remains one of the undergraduate majors with the smallest percentage of women. The percentage of women....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

The Big Secret Behind the Proposed TRIPS Waiver

James Pooley, former Deputy Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), describes in this article how TRIPS....

Posted in: Enabling Innovation Policies