Recent Developments

Trade Secrets: Tools for innovation and collaboration

This paper by Jennifer Brant and Sebastian Lohse intends to inform policymakers about the contribution of trade secrets to knowledge transfer....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

Swiss Financiers: IP Securities Corporation Receives NASDAQ Ticker, Announces Intent To List Via IPO

Intellectual Property Securities Corporation (IPSE) just received its NASDAQ ticker and announces their intent to list through a traditional IPO....

Posted in: Uncategorized

How the pandemic catalyzed innovation in health IT, per 8 hospital execs

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated innovation at hospitals across the USA by forcing them to adopt new, digitally focused ways of delivering....

Posted in: Technology and Knowledge Diffusion

The Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab

The Innovation Council member Qualcomm launched the 5G Academy, a resource designed to educate the public and policymakers on 5G – from how....

Posted in: Technology and Knowledge Diffusion

Why intellectual property rights are a key, not a curse, for COVID-19 vaccines

The whole world is waiting for the distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 and should be distributed to all adults globally over the next 18....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

Scale up of healthcare innovations for low- and middle-income countries

A strategic Collaborative Agreement to support the scaling up of healthcare innovations in low- and middle-income countries has been signed....

Posted in: Policy Discussions and International Organizations

Expectations rise for China-US health cooperation

In their 2021 annual letter themed 'the year global health went local' released by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, they are reviewing the epidemic....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems

U.S. business leaders believe 5G will aid recovery from economic impact of COVID-19

Verizon Business released findings from its “Verizon 5G Business Report” highlighting the impact 5G technology is expected to have across....

Posted in: Technology and Knowledge Diffusion

Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences Industry — Strategies for IP Protection

AI technologies including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing can be harnessed to process vast data sets to....

Posted in: Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems